Colours influence our feelings and emotions

The semantics of colour will help us to understand the influence of colours on our emotions and how we come across in public. If you know, what colours stand for which values and meanings, you can dress better and make better choices in surrounding yourself with the right colours when you want to be creative, create a trustful environment or need a hit of energy. Colours provide us with energy and can influence us and our counterpart without even noticing. 

Colours to wear for a job interview

Especially when it comes to an interview or presentation, trust creating colours like navy are a good choice.

Colours to wear on a date

If you want to attract your date, add some red details to your look. It is proven that men are attracted to the colour red – in a study they found proof that men rate women with red lipstick, nails or a red top more attractive than women wearing something blue. At the same time it doesn’t devalue your other positive features

The meaning of colours is a deep field in psychology and we can make a choice every day, with which colours we want to surround ourselves.

In this video I am showing you some different meanings of following colours:

White: Purity, fresh, hygienic

Pink: Femininity, romantic, soft

Green: Growth, wealth, earthy

Green: Growth, wealth, earthy

Yellow: Energy, optimistic, self-confident

Orange: Creativity, sociable, success

Red: Passion, power, heat

Purple: Luxury, spiritual, mystical

Black: Dramatic, classy, serious, in control

Dark Blue: Trust, logical, loyal, clear

If you want to learn more about colour analysis and find out, which colours flatter your personality and colour type, book a personal styling consultation online.